Friday, April 27, 2007

Improving Windows XP Boot Time on your Old Computer

Do you remember how fast the bootup process of your old XP box was a couple of years ago? Lightning quick and blazingly fast were probably words that came into your mind back then. Now one thing is certain: it doesn't leave you with this impression anymore. Here are a couple of ways to help you improve XP's boot time.

Disable the Boot Logo

Yes, removing the boot logo can help you speed up the bootup process by a few seconds. Unfortunately, by doing this, you will not be able to see any boot messages. If you don't have any problems with your computer, this isn't really a problem, and if you ever do, just re-enable it.

  • Start -> Run, type msconfig, and click OK.
  • Select the BOOT.INI tab.
  • Click the NOGUIBOOT check box and click OK.
  • Reboot and enjoy.

Assign a static IP to your computer

If you are using a DHCP server to assign an IP address to your computer, consider using a static one instead, this way, the operating system will not have to query the network to get a new address. To assign a static IP to your computer:

  • 1- Start-> settings -> Network connection (Classic start menu) or Start->right click "My Network Place", select properties.
  • 2- Right click your local network connection, select properties.
  • 3- Double click TCP/IP and assign your address manually

Remove unnecessary fonts

Windows has to load up all of its fonts while it is booting up, by removing unnecessary ones, you'll help make your computer start faster.

  • 1- Go into the control panel, and double click the fonts folder
  • 2- Select all the fonts you do not need and Back them up in another folder (just in case you delete one that you need).
  • 3- Go back into your fonts folder and delete them.

Do not delete these fonts, Windows need them: Verdana, Arial, Trebuchet, Tahoma, Times New Roman, MS Sans Serif.

Disable unnecessary services

XP loads a large number of services at startup, and a lot of them aren't really necessary. Consult
this article to learn about which one you should disable.

As a last recommendation, I would suggest that you defragment your drives and clean up your temp directories regularly. After applying all of those tweaks, your computer should be starting approximately 20% faster then before. Enjoy the speed while it last!

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